
…… I am so grateful to say that I have the privilege of living a life of joy in my workplace. While this is my truth today, I haven’t always felt that way. After living too many years without joy in my workplace, one day I made a decision to change that. It has made all the difference and here is what I did. Maybe it can help you!
……The very first step was to identify my work intentions. Once I had a clear intention I crafted my “Being Statements” which act as my daily guide to embody my intentions. Intentions are the mean to achieving goals. They are the process you use to frame your work, and the culture you embody in the organization. How you approach your work is determined not by your job description but by how you will show up in the work environment.


Step #1) My intention is to achieve SWAN’s mission of supporting and guiding organizations and leaders to cultivate safe, diverse, balanced, harmonious, and sustainable internal structures and organizational cultures.

……My intention is my North Star, my Being Statements are my compass and their embodiment is how I achieve Joy in My Workplace.


Step #2) Here is my list of Being Statements that I embody on a daily basis. Being Statements are the qualities, attitudes and focuses that will be necessary to achieve my intention.